A troupe of failed clowns embark on a chaotic road trip of self-discovery after a mysterious solar event plunges the world into anarchy. Jenny, a conspiracy clickbait reporter, is looking for a way to broadcast the «truth» to the whole world. The Great Alphonso, a pompous ex-TV clown celebrity, spots his chance to resurrect his career and reclaim the fame he so craves; while Bobo, Pepe, and Funzo, desperately try to escape the wrath of some vengeful human statues. They will meet for a final clown show proving that the end of the world can also be a funny business.
Cast: David Earl, Natalie Palamides, Amy De Bhrún, Fionn Foley, Tadgh Murphy, Ivan Kaye
Genre: Comedy
Original Language: English
Director: George Kane
Producer: Morgan Bushe, James Dean
Writer: Demian Fox, George Kane, Shane O’Brien, James Walmsley
Runtime: 1h 38m